
The Battle Royale: Atom vs. Sublime

For most developers, text editors are just as sacred as discussing the proper way to say “gif.” Sublime Text has been the heavy hitter for some time and for good reason. As an avid Sublime user I decided to see where Atom stood since I last looked; the time of early beta stages.

What follows is my experience during a period of five days using the Open Source code editor from GitHub told through the perspective of a seasoned Sublime user.

Creating Better CSS

For most web developers we are knee deep in CSS on a daily basis. This can be a good or bad thing. It really depends on the state of the CSS. A well-organised codebase can be a pleasure to work with but, generally speaking, most CSS is a complete nightmare, especially on larger projects.

Basic Performant Sharing Buttons

This is a lightweight, simple solution for adding sharing buttons to your site. Like many things, there are many ways to achieve this but the main goal of this solution is performance.

Every major social network provides an easy way to add sharing buttons to your site, but the downside of many of these is each button loads various scripts and stylesheets increasing the page weight. Generally speaking, say you wanted to have 4 sharing buttons (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn) it’s more than likely you will be loading 8+ extra resources.

Using the provided solutions from the major networks is convenient, but less then ideal if performance is a main priority.

Don’t Load it till it’s Needed

One of the best ways to prevent page bloat is to treat everything as a resource that doesn’t need to be on the page until the user has to interact with it. The technique is called lazy-loading, and can be performed on almost any asset. It’s especially good for responsive websites, when the same content needs to be loaded across multiple devices, while still loading as quickly as possible. Let’s take a look at a few ways to make this possible.

Barebones ES6 project using Gulp

Dennis Gaebel previously discussed preparing for ES6, but in this post he take things one step further and examines an actual project using the tools he discussed in that article. He explains the steps required in order to setup a barebones ES6 project with the help of our faithful tooling companion Gulp.

Preparing for ECMAScript 6

ECMAScript 6 is the upcoming version of the ECMAScript standard and expects ratification some time around June 2015.

ES6 is a significant update to JavaScript, and the first update to the language since 2009. Implementation of these features in JavaScript engines is well underway as we speak. Let’s dive in and see what ES6 is all about.

GSS: Layout Reimagined

Layout on the web is certainly an extremely time consuming process and the most outdated. Floats and such still don’t cut it.

At it’s core, Grid Style Sheets (GSS) reimagines CSS layout and harnesses the Cassowary Constraint Solver – the same algorithm Apple uses to compute native layout. OK sounds good, but is it a pre-processor? Well… no not exactly.

RICG-Responsive-Images Plugin

For the last few months, several members of the Wordpress core team, Mat Marquis of the RICG, and I have been hard at work building a Wordpress plugin. While this may not initially sound like very exciting news, the purpose of the plugin is to bring responsive images to the Wordpress platform, with absolutely no effort needed by the user.