
Snippets in Sublime Text 2

Creating snippets in Sublime Text 2 is super easy, quick and highly recommended. If you want to increase your coding speed, setting up snippets can be extremely helpful. Not only will they save you from RSI in the future, they will give you more time to hang out with you pals at the cafe.

The Best of the Best Boilerplates / Bootstraps

Boilerplates, bootstraps or whatever you want to call them have become a valuable resource for any web developer. Not only do they provide great knowledge into the best practices to use, they also save us vast amounts of time.

Back in the day, there was great pleasure in coding something up from scratch. In this day and age, I think most people are more than happy to start with a base, whatever that base might be. All of the resources listed below can be used in any way that suits you.

HTML Lists

HTML lists are very common in everyday web development. You might be familiar with unordered lists (<ul>) and ordered lists (<ol>), which are the most commonly used, but you might not be aware that there are a few other options to consider. Like the definition list (<dl>) and the menu (<menu>) element, which was deprecated in HTML4, but has been reintroduced in HTML5.

Tabs to Spaces in Sublime Text 2

Super quick tip on how to tweak the Sublime Text 2 spacing.

Doing these small adjustments to your setup will help to provide consistent whitespace when working with others as long as they have also follow a similar setup on their text editor of choice.

Style Your WordPress Login

A few weeks ago, I read a neat little post over at WPCandy about tweaking the WordPress login page. That post gave me a lot of inspiration and ever since redesigning WDW, it was on my to-do list. Today, I finally got around to styling it up.

One thing I discovered is that there is no need to add any plugins or to modify any core WordPress files. Adding a plugin for a simple task seemed a bit of an overkill and modifying the core files is never a good idea, especially when you update your instance of WordPress you have to re-do all your login styles again.

So if you want to go plugin free and give your login screen a little character you might enjoy this post.

CSS Selectors That Rock

Styling websites can get a little mundane if the site you are working on is not so aesthetically pleasing or challenging. If I find myself just going through the motions, I tend to step back and try to improve my skills. Doing this not only increases motivation for the project, it also puts are few more tricks up my sleeve for future projects.

Below are 10 CSS selectors. Some of them you probably use on every project and some possibly never. Next time you’re finding yourself going through the motions, maybe it’s a good time to sneak in some new selectors that you wouldn’t normally use.

Using Fonts

A quick overview of how to use different fonts on your website. The screencast covers setting up your site to use the CSS @font-face rule. Working with Google’s powerful webfonts and using Adobe’s awesome Typekit service.

Chrome Developer Tool Tricks

Do you work with the Chrome Developer Tools on a daily basis?

If so here are a few tips and tricks to increase your development speed, such as shortcuts, toggling states of interaction, the JavaScript console, overwriting stylesheets and reverting back to original styles.