
Throttle Bandwidth for Testing

Working with a fast internet connection on a day-to-day basis is a real privilege. it’s easy to forget that others are less fortunate.

With a recent vacation to “slow internet land” this really hit home. So much so, once being back in “fast internet land” I explored the different ways to throttle bandwidth for testing.

After a little research, here are few different methods that I discovered.

Your own device lab today

During the last few years there has been no shortage of devices being released to the market. For us this was a new challenge and we all stepped up to the plate by adding device specific media queries to our stylesheets.

This was possible in “the good old days”…

A Better Git Commit

I am a bad committer, there is no lying. Since learning Git in my final years of University, I managed to pick up a few bad habits, which have been with me ever since. When you do something everyday it’s easy to forget that there might be a better way.

Over the last few years the number of detailed commits I have made could be counted on one hand. Quite disgraceful really.

Sublime Text Settings I Use

It’s always interesting to find out how people set up their coding environment. To be honest I don’t think I’ll ever get the perfect setup but what I currently have does a pretty good job.

Tweaking your Sublime Text settings is relatively easy but can be a little daunting if you are fan of a GUI. Within Sublime all settings are handle by a simple JSON file. They can be found either from under the Sublime Text menu (Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Settings – User) or by the shortcut (Command + .).

Psychedelic Grunt Plugins

A few months ago, I started to research build processes to help improve the pattern we currently follow at work. During my research I somehow ended up configuring Grunt and discovered the true awesomeness it has to offer. Unfortunately, so far I haven’t managed to integrate it into our workflow, but for my after-hours development, it has become an integral part of the way things roll.

Going Static with Jekyll & Deploying via GitHub for Free

During the last six months I have been meaning to play around with one of the many static site generators to see what all the hype is about. After a bit of research I decided to head down the Jekyll path. A fair few people tend to be using Octopress and Kirby but my main reason for choosing Jekyll was this little ‘Static Site Generators‘ gist put together by Dave Rupert. In my eyes, the fact that Jekyll has the biggest community behind it gives it the winning edge, especially for when help is needed.

Turns out, Jekyll is rad! It’s a simple, blog aware, static site generator built in Ruby. It takes a template directory, runs it through Textile or Markdown and Liquid converters, and spits out a complete, static website.

Getting Started with KSS-Node

The NodeJS implementation of Knyle Style Sheets (KSS) developed by Hugh Kennedy is super handy. With one simple command after you have set it up you can generate a living style guide. Having to always update your style guide is generally a chore. This saves the day.

Keeping up with Chrome Developer Tools

In today’s world, as the web evolves so do the tools. Keeping up with what’s happening is important in our industry. However, keeping up with everyday development tools is as important, if not more so.

The Developer Tools in Chrome have been in rapid development for the last couple of years, and I certainly have not been using them to their fullest potential. Hopefully the resources below will bring you up to speed.

Sublime Text 2 Settings

What makes Sublime Text so awesome is the speed at which it can perform tasks and the ability to easily customise its behaviour. At first, tweaking the behaviour seems a little strange due to the lack of GUI, but once you get your head around editing JSON files, you’ll soon realise the power and how flexible it really is. This short post gives you the low down on how to start editing your Sublime Text settings.

Handy Apps for Web Developers

It seems the days of opening up and developing a website solely with a text editor are long gone. Thankfully, today we are privileged to have access to so many amazing applications to help us develop better products.